delivers the same high quality care as that given to hospital patients and is economical as well. Day care surgery has now become an accepted method of treatment for a number of surgical patients. All day care surgical patients come early in the morning and after the surgery is over, if the post-operative observation is uneventful, the patient is discharged home the same day. Patients selected for day care surgery need some degree of focused post-operative monitoring for a few hours.
A preadmission consultation in our unit is required. The patient is worked up for the surgery pre-operatively in the OPD with prior appointments. The procedure and aftercare is explained to the patient and any investigations required are sent. A detailed explanation of the day care surgery procedure, admission and discharge criteria, post-operative care at home by the relative and possibility of admission due to complications, if any is given.
These patients are usually operated under local, regional or general anesthesia (monitored anesthesia). At the time of discharge the patient's fitness is assessed, potential side effects or complications and medication to be taken are explained. Subsequent follow-up and readmissions if required are arranged on consultation through our emergency contact numbers.
Procedures done as day care surgery in our unit are: 1.Circumcision
2. Hydrocele surgeries
3. Inguinal hernia: Mesh hernioplasty
4. Excision of breast lump (fibroadenoma, fibroadenosis, galactocele, gynecomastia etc), excisional and incisional biopsy for breast cancer.
5. Anal fissure: dilatation or excision / Lateral sphincterotomy
6. Piles: Barron band ligation/Haemorrhoidectomy/ Stapled hemorrhoidopexy
A preadmission consultation in our unit is required. The patient is worked up for the surgery pre-operatively in the OPD with prior appointments. The procedure and aftercare is explained to the patient and any investigations required are sent. A detailed explanation of the day care surgery procedure, admission and discharge criteria, post-operative care at home by the relative and possibility of admission due to complications, if any is given.
These patients are usually operated under local, regional or general anesthesia (monitored anesthesia). At the time of discharge the patient's fitness is assessed, potential side effects or complications and medication to be taken are explained. Subsequent follow-up and readmissions if required are arranged on consultation through our emergency contact numbers.
Procedures done as day care surgery in our unit are: 1.Circumcision
2. Hydrocele surgeries
3. Inguinal hernia: Mesh hernioplasty
4. Excision of breast lump (fibroadenoma, fibroadenosis, galactocele, gynecomastia etc), excisional and incisional biopsy for breast cancer.
5. Anal fissure: dilatation or excision / Lateral sphincterotomy
6. Piles: Barron band ligation/Haemorrhoidectomy/ Stapled hemorrhoidopexy
7. Anal Fistula
8.. Diagnostic laparoscopy
9. Orchidectomy/ orchidopexy
10. Varicocele: Laparoscopic varicocele ligation/ high ligation/ inguinal or subinguinal ligation
11. Varicose vein stripping or ligation
8.. Diagnostic laparoscopy
9. Orchidectomy/ orchidopexy
10. Varicocele: Laparoscopic varicocele ligation/ high ligation/ inguinal or subinguinal ligation
11. Varicose vein stripping or ligation
12. Skin & subcutaneous lesions: warts, lipoma, sebaceous cysts, abscess, mole excision, scar excision
13. Hymenoplasty
14. Umbilical hernia
15. Dermoid cysts.
Out patient surgery: In out patient surgery the patient usually has minor surgical ailment for which the patient is worked up in the OPD and operated either in the minor OT or under local/regional anaesthesia in the OT, and sent back home immediately or within half an hour. We perform nail excisions, skin biopsy, lipoma excisions, incision & drainage for abscess, tumor biopsy, core needle biopsy, trucut biopsy, ureteric stent removal, cystoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, mole excision, wart excision/ cauterization, ear lobule repair, hymenoplasty etc as outpatient surgery.
Fast track protocols: In the modern day surgical practice, there is an established belief in ambulation of the surgical patients at the earliest. We in our unit at department of surgery are sending the operated patient home as soon as the critical period or immediate post-operative nursing needs have been met with. We follow fast track protocols where ever feasible and considered safe for our patient. We send patients home by fifth post operative day even after major surgeries.
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Out patient surgery: In out patient surgery the patient usually has minor surgical ailment for which the patient is worked up in the OPD and operated either in the minor OT or under local/regional anaesthesia in the OT, and sent back home immediately or within half an hour. We perform nail excisions, skin biopsy, lipoma excisions, incision & drainage for abscess, tumor biopsy, core needle biopsy, trucut biopsy, ureteric stent removal, cystoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, mole excision, wart excision/ cauterization, ear lobule repair, hymenoplasty etc as outpatient surgery.
Fast track protocols: In the modern day surgical practice, there is an established belief in ambulation of the surgical patients at the earliest. We in our unit at department of surgery are sending the operated patient home as soon as the critical period or immediate post-operative nursing needs have been met with. We follow fast track protocols where ever feasible and considered safe for our patient. We send patients home by fifth post operative day even after major surgeries.
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